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Grazing Table


Cheese boards with grapes and celery
Selection of biscuits
Selection of pates
French bread and butter
Philadelphia cream cheese with sweet chilli sauce

 Selection of Italian and Spanish meats
Spicy chicken satay with a peanut dip
Feta cherry tomato and olive skewers 

Lemon chilli prawn sticks
Lemon & coriander hummus & bruschetta 
*  *  *  *
Selection of macaroons 
Mini meringue's with lemon  cream  


Minimum 50 

£18.00 per head

(including  napkins and plates)

© 2017 All rights reserved Bay Tree Caterers, Deal, Kent. 

Serving Deal, Dover, Margate, Folkestone, Hythe, Canterbury, Ashford and surrounding areas.

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